Monday, November 28, 2011

Special Possessions

When I was younger, my brother and I took care of dogs.  One for each of us.  My female dog’s name was PeeWee.  I really do now know her breed but she was that type with short body, less than 1 feet tall.  She got stuck in a canal one rainy afternoon with her chain tied to the grasses.  It took me 3 days to find where she could be.  I just noticed the teeth and the tail.  She must have struggled from being drowned. We love her so much that we were mourning over her death.  She was the Madonna of the house.  From that day onwards I said I wouldn’t want to own a dog. 

My brother’s dog was a kind dog.  His name was Toytoy.  He was a kind dog, I was rude to him.  We left him at our old rented house when we moved to my grandma’s house.  But when we went to visit the village again, we saw him there so excited to see us again.  He did not leave us at all, he was following us wherever we went.  Surely, he took on the vehicle we rode going back to my grandma’s house.  Toytoy found it difficult to live in the new place.  We were from the village and moved to a city.  The cars were new to him, the street and the noise.  One day, there was fire far from our house.  He got hit by a car that made him limp.  He was older then.  He had fever and was chilling.  After few months he got used to it.  But his life was not spared when a flood came.  The flood was almost 4ft high.  I do not know what happened to him.  He must have struggled much.

Losing our dogs have impacted my life so much.  I became a person who is scared of losing someone I know I should always be with – family members and dogs.  As I mentioned, we never took care of dogs at all.  It is the same fear I feel when I think of my son.  I do not think I will be able to carry on if I will lose him.  I might end up not wanting to have any kid at all if that happens.

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