Monday, July 18, 2011

Wanted: International Love/r

I have known people who got stressed and pushy on getting married because they have reached their 30s.  But I have also seen people who are just happily waiting for the right man even if they are beyond their 30s.  I know people who have been in the same relationship for quite a long time  and people who have never opened up for relationship even if they have broken up with their previous relationship months/ years ago.

So, what is being sought right now?  An international love/r.

I am amazed that I have actually registered to these sites for the past months.  I have met a few and have stayed friends with them.  The rest were uninterested and uninteresting.  It is also surprising that there are actually a lot of men who are looking for female species from across the world.  Female international love/r. 

Asian women, specially Filipinos, desire (mostly) the whites due to financial stability, profession, looks, future children with awesome genes and the benefit of being able to move to another country.

On the other hand, Caucasians (and other races) find Filipinas beautiful, home oriented, with manners and submission. (No need to argue with this point, just comment so I can add up your point).

Why?  I may not be able to answer why Caucasians prefer women from Asia but I can surely answer for myself.

I still prefer Filipino guys.  There is not much adjustments to be done.  They smell good and good looking.  We just need to spend time in the getting-to know-you stage.  Get to know his family. 

For other races, even in  Asia, we need to adjust  with their culture, their religion, their way of living and everything about them.  Not so difficult, right?

Filipino men are, as a package, OK to be with.  The problem arises when the guy doesn’t know his responsibilities.  NO WORK.  It doesn’t even matter if never graduated in a university.  A guy should be able to provide the needs of the family.  Only a few are able to do it, unfortunately.  You will find women earning more than men.  Some more, women working for the family instead of the men.  Thanks to unrequited love, women is able to do what men are supposed to do.  What?  Oh yes, it does not make any difference to men from other countries.  The same scenario.

So, why? Why do Asian women prefer white men?  Because white men prefer Asian women.  Opposite attracts maybe.  It is a different market.  Everything about the experience is different. 

There can be many reasons.  What are your reasons?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2 weeks to fast and pray

Dear Blog,

We have 2 weeks to wait for the result whether our client is pleased with our proposal for purchasing service. 

I see this situation as a basis to what will happen next in my life.  I see several options that I think are possible and impossible:-

1)     The company may give grace by placing us to work in a different department.  In that way we will still have jobs.
2)     I can resign and find another job here in Singapore. 
3)     I can go home and apply for a job in Philippines.
4)     I can apply online to work in a different country this time.
5)     Chat until I can find someone who is eligible and meets my standards.

This result will change my life and I am not prepared.  Financially.  I am fine whichever place I will be.  I am just worried that I will not be able to provide the needs of my son. 

Father in heaven, though I have said that I will follow wherever you will lead me, I am honestly worried.  I ask that you take care of everything for me.  Set me to a place where you will use me and my son.  Provide every need and guide us in every decision we will take.  Take our lives in your hand and keep us secured.  Amen

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hello July

Dear Blog,

Today is the first day of the month.  I love July.  It is like a refreshment in the middle of the year.  Yes, because something special happens in July.  I feel like a whole month celebrator. 

Being in Singapore, July is also special because it is when the bonuses are given.  No matter how much, there is joy in July.  Lol.

It is also an interesting fact that I rememer who is going to have birthdays in July.  I am a forgetful person.  I forget the rest of the months, but I remember July celebrators.

Other events, fiesta of my hometown and fiesta of my grandmother’s hometown.  Both places special for the family.  One of the fiestas is actually my grandfather’s death anniversary.  Few of my close friends are also July celebrators: Ronelaine, Kelly Gay, Edebeth and Sirk (and many that I did not mentioned).

In my SG church, we do have 40 days of fasting from the 1st day of the month to the 9th day of August.  So I always feel that it refreshes my year because it feels like new year. Though it should be a quiet month for me, I break on the 25th and resume the next day.

I am grateful that I was born on the middle of the year, it seems like a bouncing field from 1st 6 months to the 2nd 6 months.  I just find it cool. 

Well, there is more to happen for this month.  I am keeping my heart open for the days to come and be excited with whatever is going to happen.

I thank the Lord for my life and everything that is in it.